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Voter Information

Verifying/Registering to Vote

Am I registered to vote?

Verify your voter registration status as active by contacting the Clark County Election Department at 702-455-VOTE (8683).

You can also check online at the Secretary of State’s Office at  


Where can I register to Vote?

Online: If you have a Nevada Driver’s License or State Issued Identification Card, the State of Nevada has created an online page where you can register to vote. You can also use this portal to update your address, change your party and more

In Person: Any Department of Motor Vehicles Office, or any Nevada State Welfare Agency or WIC Office.

City of Las Vegas
Office of the City Clerk
495 S. Main St., 2nd Floor

Las Vegas, Nevada 89101

Clark County Election Department
965 Trade Drive, Suite A
North Las Vegas, NV

Clark County Election Department Office
Clark County Government Center, First Floor, Suite 1113
500 South Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas



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